2022 Year-End Campaign
Help support the mission this Christmas season!
We Want You
Greetings Family and Friends! We hope that you have a blessed Christmas season this year.
As we come to the end of the year and prepare for 2023 we want to ask for your support of our work developing young leaders in Nairobi, Kenya.
We want you to help us “spread the love” this year in Kenya by supporting and praying for the work and our team.
Why Street Kids?
Street children face many challenges in their struggle to survive. Many of them are forced into prostitution, child labor, drug use, and crime to try and survive.
We believe that every child deserves a chance at life; however, the streets often prevent these kids from receiving education or healthcare. It is hard for street children to make positive choices when they are constantly subjected to abuse and exploitation by adults who take advantage of them.
Fikisha has been helping street kids in Nairobi get off the streets since 2009 through our programs that promote self-sufficiency and offer support services such as education and mentoring. Our goal is to help each child find his or her own path toward a better future while giving back to their communities through community service projects teaching empathy & leadership skills.
Here’s how you can help:
Join us as a monthly donor!
Monthly donors are our favorites (sorry to all you one-timers ;) ). They help to make sure that every month, we have a steady flow of income to help keep everything running smoothly.
Are you already a monthly donor?
If you are able, you can help us in this push by making a special gift or by encouraging a friend to join us.
We also highly encourage you to follow us on Facebook and connect with us @fikishakenya on Instagram to find the most recent updates in Kenya.
Thank you!
Sam, Alyssa, Frank, Moses, Barrack, and the Fikisha Team
Donate Today
In Kenya - MPesa
Give through MPesa
Step 1. Go to M-PESA Menu
Step 2. Select Lipa na M-PESA
Step 3. Select Paybill
Step 4. Enter Business no. (Equity Bank B/No. 247247)
Step 5. Enter Account no. (FIKISHA Acc/No. 0630 272 162 235)
Step 6. Enter Amount ….
Step 7. Enter PIN and Send
Checks can be made out to:
Boy With a Ball
Please include “Fikisha” or “Kenya” in the comment
Checks can be mailed to:
Boy With a Ball, PO BOX 748, Buford, GA 30515